thymon's blog

Friday, May 04, 2007

What is macro photography?
1. What's the main advantage of macro photography?
2. What are the limitations?
Photographing flowers in nature - Mind the sun
3. What are the best lighting conditions for shooting flowers outside?
Be careful of the wind
4. What are two things you can do to minimize the effects of the wind?
Get up close
5. What does the writer suggest for the numer of flowers to get in the frame?
Watch for shadows
6. What are three things that might cast bad shadows?
Use a tripod
7. What are some of the advantages of using a tripod?
Choose your background carefully
8. What's the main thing to avoid with the background?
Respect the environment
9. What's the main idea of this section?
Photographing flower gardens
10. What might you want to do with a flower garden?

1.Your digital camera's macro mode lets you get very close to a subject for stunning close-ups, which is especially important when photographing flowers. It's no wonder that, on most digital cameras, macro mode is represented by a tulip-shaped icon.

2.One of these limitations is very narrow depth of field.The other limitation, increased exposure time.

3.Bright but overcast days are best for flower photography.

4.A good way to minimize the effect of such a breeze is to stand between the flower and the wind. Take your time and take several pictures!

5. 3 or 5 flowers are more visually appealing that 2 or 4 flowers

6.trees, other plants, buildings, fences or lampposts-cast shadows on your subject.

7.A tripod steadies your camera and reduces the chance that you'll get a blurry image because of the longer exposure time required for macro photography.

8. You want to avoid a very similar background to the flower.

9. Respecting nature!!!!!!!!!

10. You may want to switch from marco mode into rthe landscape mode to get some big pictures!

Monday, April 30, 2007

i want to shoot some pictures about my host dad and his band.
He plays twice a week in two diffrent bands.
i hope i can shoot some of this stuff and maybe bring some pictures of his daily lifwe within my little photo essay

1. What type of photo essay is this?
2. How many photos are included?
3. How long is it?
4. What kind of impact does it have on you (main message) and how is this achieved?

1. 1st person documentary
2. 42
3. 3.05 minutes
4. it has a very big inpact of me because the picture are showing very big emotions and the story of the guy is very moving because it is just sad

Thursday, April 12, 2007

good pictures

good white space

good artwork

good textwork

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

i want my electronic essay to be about my host dad s daily life and maybe espically about his life as a drummer

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The narrative documentary- Anna's Day
The first person documentary- Daycare
The introspective photographer- Old building

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Originally uploaded by thiemannsoenke.
this is my angle and shapes shot
all over all it is just an allright shot
the right side of the picture is nice filled but the left side just seems empty and boring


Originally uploaded by thiemannsoenke.
my lighting shot
i used a long shutterspeed to get some of the shapes from the light sources. It looks allright but iam not really happy with shot


Originally uploaded by thiemannsoenke.
this is my absolutly favourite shot, my details shot
i love the lighting in the picture and the overexposure on the bars carrying the roof.


Originally uploaded by thiemannsoenke.
This is my pattern shot.
I choosed this one because i think it was a cool idea!
The position of the camera was weired but interesting and the lighting is good.
The patterns in the picture are obvious and interesting.
The angle of the picture creates a nice illusion for example the blue boxes on the wall are seeming very tall and big


Originally uploaded by thiemannsoenke.
This is my sorrounding shot
I choosed this picture because i think that it is a nice shot.
The tree does create a cool framing effect and the soft, light clouds in the background are creating a good contrast to the big and heavy seeming building! The golf carts are a little bit annoing

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

david bald

david bald
Originally uploaded by thiemannsoenke.


Originally uploaded by thiemannsoenke.
interesting effect because of the pattern


Originally uploaded by thiemannsoenke.
interesting shot because of the chosen angle


Originally uploaded by thiemannsoenke.
this picture looks nice because of the hole bunch of light coming trough the windows


Originally uploaded by thiemannsoenke.
very nice details