thymon's blog

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


What does the quantity of light entering the camera affect:
Possible Shutter speeds? lower shutterspeed--> lower quanity
Possible depth of field? higher quanity--> longer possible depth of field
Contrast? high contrast--> high quanity of light


What is soft (difused) light? the light spread out--> for exaple our classroom
What type of source does it come from? example--> sheet of paper
What effect does it have? more details brighter
What is hard (direct) light? conzentrated light
What type of source does it come from? flash or flashlights and so on
What effect does it have? details are cutting out


What is front light good for? details
What is front light bad for? no depth the mood in the photo is missing
What is side light good for? adding depth craeting mood
What is side light bad for? details
What is back light good for? creating a silloette cutting out details
What is a possible problem with back light? to much shadows cutting out important details


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